FAQ about Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing FAQ
SEO Logic® was honored to work together with the American Marketing Association to present the AMA's first free Web seminar, entitled "Why Can't My CEO Find Our Website??" Over 1,000 marketing executives attended, and they asked thousands of questions. We compiled their questions and wrote detailed answers to many of them. You can learn an incredible amount about search engine marketing and search engine optimization by reading the FAQ below. If you're getting started on the Internet, familiarize yourself with marketing basics by reading Search Engine Marketing Basics, read the FAQ below, then visit Search Engines Expert Course: Search Engine Optimization 101.
- We have launched a new version of our website and our rankings are rising and falling daily. How will we know when Google has fully indexed the new site? How can we tell how much progress Google has made in indexing the new site?
- HTML Title Tags for Search Engine Optimization & Web Usability
- What can I do about Internet copyright infringement or trademark infringement by another Webmaster? Can plagiarism by another website hurt my rankings?
- How do you send Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notifications to AOL, Google, Yahoo!, and the other major search engines?
- What exactly is search engine optimization?
- Can a search engine index pages that are password protected?
- Is there any way to expedite the listing? My products are time sensitive and I need results sooner rather than later.
- We are planning to relaunch our website with a new design at the same domain name. How do we get the search engines to reassess us for the new site?
- Will changing our URL affect our search engine rankings? How can we change urls without losing the traffic we're already getting?
- What is search spam, or SEO spam?
- How can I report spam in the Yahoo and Google results?
- What is "hidden text?" Can I hide text in HTML to get a top ranking?
- I have two websites that mirror each other in content but utilize different keywords and meta tags. Will this help my chances for ranking or hurt them?
- What are doorway pages, and should I use doorway pages?
- Is it true that using frames makes it harder for search engines to properly index my site?
- Do search engines index ALT text descriptions for JPEG and other image files?
- Does the length of time that a site or domain name has existed play in search engine placement?
- What are meta tags?
- What are meta keywords?
- Do search engines distinguish between keyword phrases and individual keywords in the meta keywords tag? Should I duplicate words in similar phrases?
- What are meta descriptions?
- What are meta refresh tags or meta redirect tags?
- How important are meta tags now?
- What exactly IS a spider?
- Does the spider program run through all links on a Web page?
- Is there any way to prevent a spider from grabbing URLs that you want to keep off search engines?
- How can I submit my site to the Inktomi database?
- How does a website show up on Overture when no bidding price has been set?
- My URL is in Yahoo!'s Web page results, but not their directory results, so truly I'm not in their index. Yahoo! ignores my request for assistance on this topic. What can been done?
- Is Yahoo! still important to my site - if I'm purely B2B?
- Is it possible to be placed first in a search engine without paying them directly?
- How do I submit my site to the Google Directory?
- How do I submit my site to the Open Directory (DMOZ)?
- How often should a site be resubmitted to the Open Directory (DMOZ)?
- Will the Open Directory (DMOZ) accept several urls from the same domain (deeplinks) if the content or products are different? Is there a limit?
- Explain "link popularity" and how it helps exactly.
- How do I find out what my link popularity is, and who is linking to my site?
- Which is the most used search engine?
- If I'm redesigning a site, when should I start thinking about search engines?
- Is there a way to alert editors of search engines that we have new content?
- My management does not believe that a well-designed website is that important to our success as a company. Our recent tests clearly show that people have problems figuring out who we are and what we make. Both the navigation, layout, and content need to be changed. Yet, management does not see this as a priority. Any suggestions of how to get management's attention and committment to website improvement?
- I have subscribed to dozens of ezines re: search engine optimization, and purchased books. I want to narrow it down to one source that I can depend on, instead of dozens. What's the best source?
- The people buying placements for our website have called it search engine optimization. That's not really right is it?
- Once you begin using SEO, how long until you see improvement in your search engine placement?
- If I do business in Europe, do I need to get listed on local search engines and directories?
Best Practices in Internet Marketing
Visit the American Marketing Association website for a complete Guide to Search Engine Optimization or see the original webinar, "Why Can't My CEO Find Our Website??"
Thanks to SEO Logic for such articles. More Details...........
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